Rochell Floyd, MA, LPC

Outpatient Mental Health Therapist
Day Treatment Mental Health Therapist
Clinic Location: Sun Prairie WI
Phone: 608-837-9112 ext: 1339
Availability: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm *depending on individualized needs and availability

Rochell Floyd MA,LPC has been providing mental health therapeutic services at Crossroads Counseling Center in Sun Prairie, WI since 2012 while earning a Master of Arts in Counseling Degree from Lakeland College ‘13. With over a decade of professional experience, Rochell’s career path started in the AODA sector of mental health working at an inpatient non-for-profit rehabilitation treatment facility, aided in finding housing for those suffering from homelessness, and transitional housing services.

Rochell aids in facilitating the Adolescent Day Treatment Program(s) that provide services group therapy not only for individuals but also families dealing with mental health issues and those who have been impacted by the disease of addiction.

Rochell is also an outpatient individual therapy provider and in 2017 successfully created an outpatient continuing-care CBT group that heavily relies on healthy peer supports, accountability, and pride’s itself on being a Safe Space to talk about a variety of personal issues/concerns.

Rochell’s theoretical orientation encompasses an eclectic approach in that she embraces theories based on the quality of the therapeutic relationship by rapport building while addressing concerns from a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) model.

Population/Specialties: Adolescents, Emerging Adults, Adults, Family Therapy, Multi-cultural, LGBTQ, Depression Anxiety, Trauma Processing